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Books and journal articles
Altinay, L. and Paraskevas, A. (2006) A computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) approach in teaching research methods, International Journal of hospitality management (in press - doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2006.05.005).
Beusch, D. (2007) Textual Interaction as Sexual Interaction: Sexuality And/in the Online Interview, Sociological Research Online, 12, 5, Available online at:
Davis, M., Golding, G., Hart, G., Sherr, L. and Elford, J. (2004) Reflecting on the experience of interviewing online: perspectives from the Internet and HIV study in London, Aids Care, 16, 8, 944 - 952.
Finegold, A. R. D. and Cooke, L. (2006) Exploring the attitudes, experiences and dynamics of interaction in online groups, Internet and Higher Education, 9, 3, 201-215.
Guiller, J. and Durndell, A. (2007) Students' linguistic behaviour in online discussion groups: Does gender matter? Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 5), 2240-2255.
Hamilton, R. J. and Bowers, B. J. (2006) Internet recruitment and email interviewing in qualitative studies. Qualitative Health Research, 16, 6, 821-835.
Hughes, J. and Lang, K. (2004) Issues in Online Focus Groups: Lessons learned from an empirical study of peer-to-peer filesharing system users. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 2, 2, 95-110.
James, N. and Busher, H. (2006) Credibility, authenticity and voice: Dilemmas in online interviewing, Qualitative Research, 6, 3, 403-420.
James, N. and Busher, H. (2007) Ethical issues in online educational research: Protecting privacy, establishing authenticity in email interviewing. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 30, 101-113.
Livingstone, S. and Bober M. (2004) UK Children Go Online: surveying the experiences of young people and their parents. London: LSE Research Online.
Meho, L. I. (2006) E-Mail Interviewing in Qualitative Research: A Methodological Discussion. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57, 10, 1284-1295.
Rezabek, R. (2002) Online Focus Groups: Electronic Discussions for Research, Forum: Qualitative Social Research. Available online at:
Schneider, S., Kerwin, J., Frechtling, J. and Vivari, B. (2002) Characteristics of the discussion in online and face-to-face focus groups. Social Science Computer Review, 20, 1, 31-42.
Sweet, C. (2001) Designing and conducting virtual focus groups. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 4, 3, 130 -135.
for online interviews
Thinkofit Web Conferencing Guide
An extensive listing of different types of software and services for online communication and collaboration, maintained by David R. Woolley.
Website offering demonstrations of open-source software including discussion board software. Allows users administrative rights to make changes to an installation of the software which are then 'reset' every two hours.
OSS Watch: Top Tips For Selecting Open Source Software
Page from the website of OSS, a JISC-funded open source advisory service. Offers guidance on selecting open source software.
Examples of 'Instant messaging'
and services
America Online Instant Messenger
Google Talk
Microsoft Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger
ESRC Social Sciences Online 'Research Methods' discussion topic:
Social science research and the internet: intriguing tangent, or core business? - Christine Hine
Part of the Social Sciences Online: Past, Present and Future virtual event held during the ESRC Social Science Week (20th-24th June 2005) to look at how the internet is changing the face of social science research. Article written by Christine Hine with related discussion postings.
The Internet: A New Field for Qualitative Inquiry?
fqs-texte/2-02/ 2-02holgehazelton-e.htm
Freely downloadable article by Bibi Holge-Hazelton from Forum: Qualitative Social Research.
The National Centre for e-Social Science
The National Centre for e-Social Science's website offers information
about the latest developments in technology-enhanced social science
An academic research programme investigating the impact of the internet on society.
World Internet Usage Statistics
Estimates of the number of internet users in different areas of the world.