About this Resource

This unit considers the use of UK Data Service macro databanks in making cross national comparisons.

It looks at the institutional sources and management of the multinational data from the perspective of comparability; the formulation of international standards and common metadata. It looks at mechanisms to find and use such metadata.

It considers money as a unit of account that might be used as a common yardstick of comparison. In particular it looks at exchange rates and their use in transforming aggregated and disaggregated data into multi-nationally comparable series.

It considers environmental series and looks at some problems of comparability across their range.

Examples and tasks are used to illustrate points.

The University of Manchester; Mimas; ESRC; RDI

Countries and Citizens: Unit 2 Making cross-national comparisons using macro data by Dave Fysh, University of Portsmouth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales Licence.