Websites on (Electronic) Textual Data Analysis
- Content Analysis Resources, now defunct, archived version
link collection maintained by William Evans at the University of Alabama. The site has sections on
publications on content analysis, related organizations, and CAQDAS. It is also home of the CONTENT
- QualPage
QualPage at the University of Alberta offers, inter alia, a collection of links to software for so-called
qualitative data analysis.
- Computer Content Analysis
Kimberly A. Neuendorf's Content Analysis Guidebook Online.
Méthodes informatisées
(Christophe Lejeune)
Christophe Lejeune's francophone site that links to and discusses
(La página de Juan Muñoz)
Some information about CAQDAS, particularly ATLAS.ti
AnsWR. On this site, there also is a neat
PDF™ manual for Atlas.ti v. 5.
und Inhaltsanalyse
Website for computer-aided content analysis at the ZUMA in Mannheim, FR
This commercial website offers a few short reviews of software for media data analysis.,
a privately maintained website, informs about a wide variety of methods for textual analysis.
- QDA Software (James W. Drisko)
James W.
Drisko's site on CAQDAS at Smith College School for Social Work in Northampton, MA.
- A no
maintained, but still useful site about qualitative research software
- Social Research Update
Social Research Update is a webzine at the University of Surrey, which frequently addresses issues in
analysis. Its first issue is, e.g. dedicated to the analysis
of qualitative data by Computer.
Text Analysis Software Reviews
- Melina Alexa & Cornelia Züll (1999):
A review of software for text analysis
Mannheim, FR Germany: ZUMA (ZUMA-Nachrichten Spezial 5).
"The following fifteen programs are reviewed: AQUAD, ATLAS.ti, CoAN, Code-A-Text, DICTION, DIMAP-MCCA,
HyperRESEARCH, KEDS, NUD*IST, QED, TATOE, TEXTPACK, TextSmart, WinMAXpro, and WordStat and the criteria
methodology used for selecting them are delineated. The last part of the book contains an extensive
discussion about text analysis programs and the concrete issues raised from the review."
- Cornelia Züll & Juliane Landmann (2002):
Computergestützte Inhaltsanalyse: Literaturbericht zu neueren Anwendungen
ZUMA-Methodenbericht 2002/02.
Unfortunately only available in German, this report gives a brief overview of existing software packages
content analysis and presents applications of these programs in the recent, mainly German, literature.
- Melina Alexa & Cornelia Züll (1999):
Commonalities, differences and limitations of text analysis Software: The results of a review
ZUMA-Arbeitsbericht 99 (6).
"This paper discusses on the one hand the tendencies in functionality and technology of software for
analysis and reflects, on the other hand, on the areas where more development is needed. The basis for
discussion forms a comprehensive review of fifteen currently available software for text analysis. In
review each software package, i.e. AQUAD, ATLAS.ti, CoAN, Code-A-Text, DICTION, DIMAP-MCCA,
KEDS, NUD*IST, QED, TATOE, TEXTPACK, TextSmart, WinMAXpro, and WordStat, was presented in a detailed and
extensive manner."
- Udo Kelle (1997):
Theory Building in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual Data
Sociological Research Online,2 (2):1,
<>, accessed: Aug 3, 2003.
- Melina Alexa (1997):
Computer-assisted Text Analysis Methodology in the Social Sciences
ZUMA-Arbeitsbericht 97 (7).
This report from ZUMA dates back to 1997, but still contains some useful hints about computer-assisted
analysis of textual data.
Comparative CAQDAS reviews
- Christine A. Barry (1998):
Choosing Qualitative Data Analysis Software: ATLAS.ti and NUD*IST Compared
Sociological Research Online 3 (3): 4, <>.
This review compares NUD*IST version 4 (N4) with ATLAS.ti version 4.1.
Anne Lacey & Donna Luff (2001):
Computer Software Packages for Qualitative Analysis
in: Anne Lacey & Donna Luff: "Trent Focus for Research and Development in Primary Health Care: An Introduction to Qualitative Analysis," Trent Focus, pp. 33ff.
An extremely brief comparison of ATLAS.ti (presumably, version 4.2), NVivo (presumably, version 1.2),
Nud*ist (presumably, version 4.2) from the perspective of health researchers working at an NGO.
Comparison Table of four CAQDAS programs
by Susanne Friese from Quarc. This overview compares ATLAS.ti 4.2,
ETHNOGRAPH 5.03, NUD*IST 4.0, and winMAX 97 professional.