GET * FILE='C:\Documents and Settings\gillian raab\My Documents\aprojects\peas\web\exemp5\data\ex5.sav'. * Line above reads in the data. If you have opened ex5.sav interactively you won't need to include it. * Next stage is to set up survey design. You can do this interactively, via the complex samples menu. * At the screen 1: just give a name to the plan file screen 2: only the WEIGHT box needs to be filled (with gweight) as there is no clustering or stratification. * We have pasted the syntax here. * we must be careful to use the GROSSING UP WEIGHT gweight to get the right design effects in SPSS. * Analysis Preparation Wizard. CSPLAN ANALYSIS /PLAN FILE='ex5.csaplan' /PLANVARS ANALYSISWEIGHT=gweight /PRINT PLAN /DESIGN /ESTIMATOR TYPE=WR. *further steps can also be done from the menus from the camplex samples sub-menu. * and the code generated with paste button. * Complex Samples Frequencies. CSTABULATE /PLAN FILE='ex5.csaplan' /TABLES VARIABLES = genhelf q85a /CELLS TABLEPCT /STATISTICS SE COUNT DEFF /MISSING SCOPE = TABLE CLASSMISSING = EXCLUDE. * Complex Samples Descriptives. CSDESCRIPTIVES /PLAN FILE='ex5.csaplan' /SUMMARY VARIABLES =genhelf sacc sinc /MEAN /STATISTICS SE COUNT DEFF /MISSING SCOPE = ANALYSIS CLASSMISSING = EXCLUDE. * Complex Samples Crosstabs. CSTABULATE /PLAN FILE='ex5.csaplan' /TABLES VARIABLES = genhelf BY q85a /CELLS COLPCT /STATISTICS SE DEFF /TEST INDEPENDENCE /MISSING SCOPE = TABLE CLASSMISSING = EXCLUDE. * Now with a finite population correction. * Analysis Preparation Wizard. CSPLAN ANALYSIS /PLAN FILE='ex5.csaplan' /PLANVARS ANALYSISWEIGHT=gweight /PRINT PLAN /DESIGN /ESTIMATOR TYPE=EQUAL_WOR /POPSIZE VALUE=29457. * And rerunning to see what difference this makes in one case. * Complex Samples Descriptives. CSDESCRIPTIVES /PLAN FILE='ex5.csaplan' /SUMMARY VARIABLES =genhelf sacc sinc /MEAN /STATISTICS SE COUNT DEFF /MISSING SCOPE = ANALYSIS CLASSMISSING = EXCLUDE. * note that SPSS complex surveys does not currently do regressions but that a weighted regression with weights that add to the number of subjects will give identical estimates and for a survey like this with no stratification or clustering it will give standard errors that are acceptable although based on a model-based rather than a randomisation principle. * we compare them here with what otehr packages give. * first get the mean of the weights; descriptives VARIABLES=weight /STATISTICS=MEAN . * get a new weight that adds to sample size for all respondents. * before the regressions we need to recode the cannabis and amphetamine variables. compute nweight=weight/1.2055. execute. RECODE q85a (1=0) (2=0) (3=1) (4=1) (5=1) (6=0.5) INTO canscore . VARIABLE LABELS canscore "'scored cannabis'". RECODE q85b (1=0) (2=0) (3=1) (4=1) (5=1) (6=0.5) INTO ampscore . VARIABLE LABELS ampscore "'scored amphetamines". EXECUTE . * now run various regressions. REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /REGWGT=nweight /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT genhelf /METHOD=ENTER canscore . REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /REGWGT=nweight /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT genhelf /METHOD=ENTER sinc . REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /REGWGT=nweight /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT genhelf /METHOD=ENTER ampscore . REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /REGWGT=nweight /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT genhelf /METHOD=ENTER canscore ampscore sinc .