SPSS output for exemplar 2 with uncorrected data file

SPSS gives no warnings of nesting or lonely PSUs but at least it tells you it is not checking.

Complex Samples: Plan

This procedure does not check the consistency of the working data file with the plan file. We recommend looking at the output table or the plan file to check consistency before performing selection or analysis.


Stage 1
Design Variables Stratification 1 stratum
Cluster 1 psu
Analysis Information Estimator Assumption Sampling with replacement
Plan File: f:\forwork\ex2datafiles\data\ex2_nc.csaplan
Weight Variable: gross_wt

Complex Samples: Tables

Whether person uses the --internet

Estimate Standard Error 95% Confidence Interval Design Effect Square Root Design Effect
Lower Upper
Population Size 0 2636137.814 19713.638 2597495.766 2674779.861 3.117 1.766
1 1366273.948 15588.400 1335718.061 1396829.835 1.949 1.396
Total 4002411.762 22022.950 3959243.074 4045580.450 . .
% of Total 0 65.9% .3% 65.2% 66.5% 1.473 1.214
1 34.1% .3% 33.5% 34.8% 1.473 1.214
Total 100.0% .0% 100.0% 100.0% . .