/*---------------------------------------------------------------- ex2_nc.sas Code to run exemplar 2 on uncorrected data Written by Gillian Raab August 2004 first tell sas where the data for this exemplar is stored Change this to the directory where YOU have the data -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ libname exemp2 "c:/documents and settings/gillian raab/my documents/aprojects/peas/ex2datafiles/data"; /*------------------------------------------------- exemplar first for simple proportions of internet use INTUSE is a 0/1 variable so its mean gives the percentage use This gives a warning in the log file so the LIST option is added to give details of lonely PSUs ----------------------------------------------------*/ title 'Simple proportion internet use'; proc surveymeans data=exemp2.ex2_nc mean stderr nobs clm; weight ind_wt; cluster psu; var intuse; strata stratum / list; run;