* First we need to calculate a grossing-up weight . * since it was not on this version of the file. * It is not crucial for this to be accurate when (as here) . * the sampling fraction is quite small. compute gross_wt=ind_wt*4000000/28685. execute. * Now we need to set up the plan file which can be done. * most easily interactively (see the mini guide). * This syntax was generated by pasting from the menu . * You will need to change the name of the plan file to its file name on your machine. * Analysis Preparation Wizard. CSPLAN ANALYSIS /PLAN FILE='f:\forwork\ex2datafiles\data\ex2_nc.csaplan' /PLANVARS ANALYSISWEIGHT=gross_wt /PRINT PLAN /DESIGN STRATA= stratum CLUSTER= psu /ESTIMATOR TYPE=WR. * Complex Samples Frequencies. CSTABULATE /PLAN FILE = 'f:\forwork\ex2datafiles\data\ex2_nc.csaplan' /TABLES VARIABLES = intuse /CELLS POPSIZE tablepct /STATISTICS SE CIN(95) DEFF DEFFSQRT /MISSING SCOPE = TABLE CLASSMISSING = EXCLUDE.