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Managing Research Projects

Managing Research Projects

Parameters set by the Funding Body


It is important that these are clearly understood. These may be very well defined before the start of the project or they may be very flexible for some funders, with ongoing brainstorming on the themes of research in the project, and how it will be conducted. Some funders have less transparent processes than others.

At different stages of the project, the funder may exert particular pressures and may attempt to influence the outcomes (e.g., the analysis of data or compromise on academic freedom). Managing the relationship and expectations on both sides can be very challenging. Drawing on other members of the research team can be very valuable in such circumstances.

Project evaluation and performance measurements used by the funder may be very different from those used in standard academic practice and these need to be understood early in the process. Likewise, each funder has its own regulations and ‘modus operandi’ and those need to be understood.

research process skills